Coaching Corner: Holiday fun survival tactics
By "Coach" Marilou Butcher Roth
Somehow I am finding it hard to believe the holidays are here! I know, they come every year at this time and every year I experience some degree of challenge around pulling off the Holiday Magic! Perhaps some of you can relate to this as well. So as I write this week's Buzz post it is just as much for myself as for those of you who are finding and taking the time to read this!
Holidays can and should be FUN! So, how do we survive all of this fun? Our family celebrates Thanksgiving, Hanukkah and Christmas at our house, topping off the year with my husbands birthday on New Year's Eve! Whew! With our blended family of 7 children with 5 additional significant others as well as 10 grandchildren, our holiday parties are the chaos that people both cherish and fear! Finding the calm in the midst of this can seem impossible and sometimes it is, however making this a priority is the key!
First, let's talk about your business. Some of you are busier than ever right now, and that is a good thing. You need to jump on the organization train today! Identify the actions that MUST be taken and let the rest go for now. Your clients and transactions must be taken care of but this is not the time for project work. If you have been following "Coaching Corner," you may remember that I asked you to create a list of items that would allow you to feel complete for this year. Be very discriminating about this list, identifying only the items that are most important to you.
Look at your schedule with open eyes. Do not schedule appointments that are unnecessary right now AND do not schedule appointments too close together. Give yourself some breathing room in between.
Next, let's visit the personal side of your holidays. Identify what needs to happen and by when for holiday events, shopping, etc. Lists are so valuable here. I actually purchased a new notebook with dividers to assist me through the next few weeks. For example, keep track of gifts purchased and plan a time that you will wrap these gifts -- yep, put it in your schedule! (Unless you are one of those amazing people who wrap as they go!)
Last year, I found I was purchasing more online than in the stores but did not have a system in place for tracking the items purchased. This year -- in my little notebook -- I have written down the items I ordered online and cross them off as they show up magically at my door!
If you have a reminder app on your phone you can use it to schedule specifics, planning ahead so that you won't be under the gun at the last minute. It took me about 20 minutes but I know when to order our crab legs, wrap presents, etc. It may sound goofy but trust me, I feel so relieved knowing when things will happen. This eliminates the mental clutter and let's me focus on my day without the feeling of wondering what I am missing!
I sincerely hope this helps and you step into your full enjoyment of this holiday season! You deserve it!!