The National Association of REALTORS and its affiliated Institutes, Societies, and Councils provide a wide range of programs and services that help members increase their skills, proficiency, and knowledge. Designations and certifications acknowledging experience and expertise in various real estate sectors are awarded by NAR and each affiliated group upon completion of required courses.
Real estate designations and certifications through NAR are specialized credentials for REALTORS. Both designations and certifications are forms of real estate agent education that require real estate professionals to be active members of NAR. The difference between the two is that a designation requires annual dues, but a certification only requires an application fee without annual dues.
Ohio REALTORS offers many NAR designations and certifications in live streaming format with our programs including Ohio CE Credit. To explore Ohio REALTORS live stream offerings, visit our Education Calendar.
To register for the NAR designations and certifications ‘at your own pace’ online format, click here. Please note that the ‘at your own pace’ offerings do not provide CE.
To find out more about the NAR designations and certifications, click here.