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Unlocking Global Opportunities in Ohio - 2024 International Residential Transactions Report

Content: The international residential real estate transaction report is a vital resource for understanding the scope and dynamics of international transactions involving Ohio REALTORS® members. Information for this report is collected through a structured survey distributed to Ohio REALTORS®' 36,000 members, conducted from April 4 to May 19, 2024. The survey is designed to gather detailed insights on international residential real estate transactions that occur during the specified reporting period of April 2023 to March 2024. 

In 2024, Ohio REALTORS® experienced significant international activity, with $404 million in home purchases made by foreign buyers—representing 1.4% of the total sales dollar volume. Approximately 1,300 homes were purchased by international clients, 64% of whom were U.S. residents on visas or recent immigrants.
The top foreign buyers in Ohio came from Israel (14%), Mexico (14%), India (10%), Guatemala (7%), and Turkey (7%). The median price of homes purchased by foreign buyers was $192,900, slightly below the median price of $234,900 for overall Ohio REALTORS® home sales.

Notably, 42% of these purchases were made in all-cash transactions, and 55% of foreign buyers used the property as their primary residence. A substantial 58% of international leads came through personal or business contacts, underscoring the importance of networking and relationship-building in this segment of the market.

Translations | We'll Get You There

The Ohio REALTORS Global Business Alliance is committed to growing its presence within our membership and throughout the state. The Global Business Alliance Committee positions Ohio REALTORS as a leader in the global real estate marketplace and its members as expert facilitators in global economic development.

Check out the 2024 calendar of events for the Global Business Alliance. Here is a sampling of international conferences you may want to consider attending when building your global business.

2025 Events

AREAA Columbus Presents ... Columbus vs. The World 2025


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Certified International Property Specialist (CIPS)

Our volunteer association members provide expertise in the global marketplace.

See a listing of Ohio CIPS members | CIPS Designation Flyer | Global and CIPS Designation VideoInterested in obtaining a CIPS designation? Learn how

Visit NAR Global | NAR Website in Spanish

Ohio Buisness Council Achievement 

Ohio REALTORS understand that the work of our industry extends well beyond our state and national borders. In fact, here in Ohio we have 133 international companies doing business every single day. We are connected like never before which impacts everything we do. The real estate industry is no exception. The way we do business has changed. The needs of your clients have changed. The way our industry must perform has changed. That’s why here at Ohio REALTORS we are going Global! Read Buzz post on Ohio REALTORS winning the Platinum Award

NAR Global Ambassador Role and Activities Overview

Global Ambassadors are U.S.-based NAR members, appointed by the NAR President to serve as his or her liaison to real estate professionals in their assigned countries. Appointees are generally CIPS designees and, ideally, have some knowledge of the countries’ cultures and languages. Appointments are made each year prior to NAR’s Annual Convention and run concurrent to the NAR presidential term. The following outlines the responsibilities of the position. For the current list of Global Ambassadors visit NAR'S Global Alliances Network

The National Association of REALTORS® Global Ambassadors is appointed to each group of countries annually by the NAR President. Global Ambassadors serve at the discretion of the President for a term of one year and may be re-appointed. Global Ambassadors work to help maintain NAR’s important relationships with foreign real estate associations.

For more information on the program, please review the Global Ambassador Handbook, which contains important information such as the detailed responsibilities of a Global Ambassador, a sample time commitment table, and the list of country groupings. If you are interested in applying for an appointment, please read the aforementioned Global Ambassador Handbook, then fill out the application form. Please ">contact NAR Global (link sends e-mail) for information regarding current opportunities.

NAR Global Coordinators
Global Coordinators are also appointed annually by the NAR President.

There are five regions:

  1. North America
  2. Central America
  3. Caribbean
  4. South America
  5. Asia/Pacific
  6. Western Europe
  7. Central/Eastern Europe
  8. Middle East
  9. Africa

Each Global Coordinator serves in one of these regions, and he/she oversees all Global Ambassadors and Ambassador Associations in the region. Global Ambassadors can expect to meet with their Global Coordinators at NAR meetings and should contact them with specific issues throughout the year.

NAR Ambassador Associations
The Ambassador Association program is loosely based on the international Sister-City programs: NAR appoints a “partner” state or local REALTOR® association to each of its partner countries. The Ambassador Association works closely with the Global Ambassador assigned to that country and NAR’s Global Coordinator for that part of the world. The program also gives members of the Ambassador Association the opportunity to expand their global business networks and get involved in international real estate activities at the local or state level.


Other Networks to Grow Your Business

  • AAREA (Asian American)
  • NAHREP (Hispanic American)
  • CAREA (Chinese American Real Estate Association)
  • FIABCI (International Real Estate Federation)
  • AFIRE (Association of Foregin Investors in Real Estate)
  • CRECI (Brazil)
  • AMPI (Mexico)
  • CEREAN (Central Europe)

How Ohio has Become a Hub for International Business
Today, Ohio’s business leaders are committed to a unique, forward-looking approach to economic development that supports the state’s diverse economy and advances its rich legacy of innovation. International companies looking to establish or expand in Ohio are finding unique advantages that can be found almost exclusively in this strategically positioned state.

Staff Assistance

Veronica Cardello /

Webinar Replay: The impact of foreign investment in Ohio

(July 25, 2022) The Ohio REALTORS Global Business Advisory Committee hosted a webinar exploring the influence international markets have on the state's economy. The event, featured Bill LaFayette, owner of Columbus-based Regionomics, which focuses on economic development strategy and local economies -- their industries, people, workforce, growth and change.

  • Read more on BUZZ
  • LaFayette provides exclusive quarterly economic reports to Ohio REALTORS -- CLICK HERE to access the complete set of our Ohio Economic Update Report.