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Our Mission:
Ohio REALTORS® advocates, engages and leads to protect private property rights, enhance the professionalism of members and advance the real estate industry.
Our Vision:
We are the leading force driving real property ownership and promoting the value of a REALTOR® in strengthening Ohio's communities.
Our Values:
Collaboration, Community, Diversity, Excellence, Inclusion, Innovation and Transparency.
Ohio REALTORS® is your partner in protecting your home's investment...your piece of the American dream.
Formed in 1910, the Association now counts as the state’s largest professional trade organization, with more than 36,000 members.
Ohio REALTORS® is the major champion of private property rights in Ohio...the rights you, as an Ohio homeowner or potential home buyer, enjoy now and expect to preserve for your children and grandchildren.
The organization is the state’s largest professional trade association. Composed of real estate professionals (REALTORS®), who’ve joined the local, state and national associations of REALTORS®, its members have agreed to abide by the National Association of REALTORS®’ stringent Code of Ethics.
It offers services to its members in addition to protecting private property rights for the public. Those member services include: lobbying state legislators on industry issues, research and professional development, providing current real estate information and member discounts on products and services, legal assistance (Note: Ohio REALTORS® does not offer legal information or answer questions of a legal nature to the public. If you have a legal concern or issue, please contact a real estate attorney). Ohio REALTOR® staff professionals, continually seek fresh ways of responding to REALTORS®’ business and professional needs, and the needs of private property owners across the state.