Coaching Corner: Getting back on track!
By "Coach" Marilou Butcher Roth
What happens when your best laid plans come to a screeching halt? Or perhaps they just slowly become nonexistent. There are times when you are soaring right along -- your schedule is working beautifully for you, incorporating time for finding new business, lead follow up, time for appointments and even working out several times per week. And then, either suddenly, or slowly, you realize that things are not going the way you would like them to go. In fact, you are feeling scattered, pressured and generally unhappy. You are not accomplishing what you want to do. Now what???
First, take a nice, easy, gentle breath. Imagine that each breath you take nourishes and calms you. You cannot solve a problem in the same mental state in which it was created. So, knowing that, create a different mental space for yourself. It may require a distraction, or a chat with a person that you know will be present for you. You may want to just take a nap or a walk in nature. Right now, try as best you can, to not blame or judge yourself for getting off of the great schedule you were on.
Now, decide what you want to happen next. Which activity is calling loudest to you? Start wherever you can to ease yourself back into the schedule that you want to have. The idea is to begin with small steps, do not try to tackle everything at once. Be kind and easy with yourself and you will find that with that in mind, along with small consistent actions, you will be back on track in no time!!!