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Coaching Corner: The end is coming

Coaching Corner: The end is coming

Nov 10, 2017

By "Coach" Mailou Butcher Roth

No worries -- I am only talking about the end of this year! We are early in the month of November which gives us plenty of time to complete our year to allow us to move gracefully into 2018. What items can you identify that will create your own list of completions? Here are three categories that may assist you in this process:

  1. Business Completions
  2. Home/Personal Completions
  3. Relationship Completions

Let's look at business first. You may have a current list of project items for your business that you have already created -- this could even be from last year. Take a look at this list and see which items remain relevant and which ones might actually be deleted from the list. If you don't have a current list, don't worry. Take a few minutes to identify what you want to have done to complete this year. One of my clients is incorporating a new accounting system. Another is revising his plan for finding new business. There are no right or wrongs with this -- the question is, what will bring you a sense of feeling complete.

What about your home and personal completions? What are those things within your home that you want to get done before 2017 comes to a close? My personal list includes my closets -- I am down to my last three! The other item for us was to finally get the gas logs for our fireplace. We had installed a gas line over 10 years ago and then continued to sparsely burn wood. This completion occurred about a month ago and we have been enjoying beautiful fires ever since!

Personally, you may have a desire to begin a new fitness program. You may want to explore your gym options, or look into equipment for your home. Again, how can you begin the next year ready to go???

Lastly, take a heartfelt moment to identify any relationship completions that are important for you. Have you had a falling out with someone, and yet still have nagging thoughts crossing your mind around this person? Or, perhaps your relationship with your significant other seems to be limping along. I won't deny that these can be the most challenging of all of your completions, and yet so important! Have the conversations, even when you are feeling some fear.

Hopefully, these give you some starting places to begin this process. And as always, enjoy!

Marilou Butcher Roth

Marilou Butcher Roth

Marilou Butcher Roth is the owner of The MBR Group, a coaching and training company working primarily with REALTORS who have a desire to work and live from a more inspired place. She is also the Broker/Owner of Group REALTORS in Cincinnati.

Marilou is a member of the Ohio REALTORS Board of Directors and past chairman of the organization’s Communications Committee.

Contact Marilou at  to see if coaching is right for you.

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