Ohio REALTORS work tirelessly for you. We make home happen by ensuring new legislation, affecting home ownership, is in the best interest of home buyers and home sellers. Below are just some of the accomplishments Ohio REALTORS have made that ensures your process of buying or selling a home is much easier:
First-Time Homebuyers Savings Act (FHSA) ...
FHSA would allow any Ohioan to open a savings account that would be used only for purchasing a new home. The money saved in the FHSA may be used as a deduction on an Ohioan’s state income tax. FHSAs are a great way for Ohioans to start saving early for the costs of buying a home. These accounts are simple and easy to set up. An account can be opened at any financial institution in Ohio. The account owners must designate a qualified beneficiary with the Ohio Department of Taxation. A qualified beneficiary would be a first-time homebuyer who has not owned or purchased, either individually or jointly, a single-family residence in the past three years. | First Home
Other successes ...
- Supported legislation to expand broadband internet access to underserved Ohio communities. Bill passed House but failed to come for vote in Senate.
- Supported legislation for emergency rental assistance that is paid to housing provider for tenants experiencing financial hardship from COVID.
- Successfully advocated for emergency rental assistance and worked with coalition to urge Governor DeWine to fund rental assistance; $50 million was allocated to rent relief across the state.
- Defeated a proposal to repeal the Home Inspector Licensing program. This program brings consistency and accountability to home inspections so buyers can have a home inspected with confidence.
- Worked with Local Health Departments to safely expedite suspended inspections.
- Successfully urged some large counties to allow for e-filing of e-notarized documents.
- Worked with policymakers to improve licensing legislation that would impact our industry and ensure high professionalism standards. We assert a high standard of professionalism helps Ohioans have a great experience when buying and selling property.