Home Ownership Alliance...We Can Take You Home
Ohio REALTORS are a part of the Ohio Home ownership Alliance (OHA), a public-private partnership of organizations committed to increasing home ownership throughout Ohio. Learn more about home ownership opportunities and resources in Ohio by coming to our home pages:
Housing & Urban Development
Ohio State Office, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has funding and affordable homes for Sale. Visit site.
Ohio Mortgage Bankers Association
OMBA is dedicated to maintaining a strong housing, residential and commercial real estate finance system. Connect with experts in mortgage services and mortgage industry-related firms at. Visit site.
Ohio Home Builders Association
OHBA is a proactive voice representing the residential construction industry in Ohio, whose 9,000-plus members and associate vendors take pride in housing Ohioans. Visit site.
Ohio Housing Finance Agency
This agencyprovides financing for the acquisition, construction and rehabilitation of single-family housing and multi-family rental projects for low- and moderate-income consumers. And check out our first-time homebuyer program. Visit site.
Ohio Insurance Institute
OII is committed to strengthening consumer understanding and confidence in Ohio’s property and casualty insurance industry. For facts about your homeowner insurance needs and related safety issues. Visit site.