Virtual Classroom: 10 Stupid Things REALTORS Do to Mess Up Their Lives!
April 25, 2025, 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Phone: 614.225.6229
Virtual Classroom
> CLICK HERE to register for 10 Stupid Things Realtors Do to Mess Up Their Lives!
Real estate is fun, rewarding, and interesting, but bad things can happen to good agents. We live in a litigious society, and REALTORS® need to always practice risk management. We’ll discuss some of the top things which can derail a career; from trying to please everyone and working harder instead of smarter, to carelessness and failing to plan. You'll come away from this session being able to organize your business for sanity AND risk reduction, recognize that without a plan, you are inviting trouble, and identify your areas of weakness and how you can improve them.
Register TODAY for this insightful program!
Instructor: Melanie McLane, ABR, CRB, CRS, e-PRO, GREEN, GRI, RAA, SRES, SRS, RENE
Melanie McLane is a second-generation REALTOR® who is an appraiser, broker, and educator. A graduate of Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio, she is a certified as a distance instructor (CDEI) and is an Appraiser Qualifications Board-approved USPAP (Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice) instructor. She served as a subject matter expert/author for the Pricing Strategy Advisor course for the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR), as well as for other NAR courses, including RSPS.
In 2008, she was inducted into the REBAC Hall of Fame as an instructor, and in 2012, was named RSPS of the Year for her contributions to the RSPS course. In 2018, the Pennsylvania Association of REALTORS® named her REALTOR® of the Year. She continues to list, sell, and appraise properties, as well as teach.
CE Credit: This program is being certified for 2 hours of CE credit. Per ODRE requirements, you must be present 90% of the program to receive credit. Attendees must join the program with video and stay within view during the program to receive CE, as active participation will be monitored.
Contact: Deanna Wright, Professional Development Coordinator -