Virtual Classroom: At Home with Diversity (AHWD) Certification
April 29, 2025, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Phone: 614.225.6229
Virtual Classroom
> CLICK HERE to register for the At Home with Diversity (AHWD) Certification course.
At Home With Diversity (AHWD) is an educational experience designed to present a picture of the changing face of the real estate industry. More importantly, the class teaches REALTORS® how to work effectively with—and within—a rapidly changing multicultural market. Diversifying your clientele means learning the practical skills and tools to expand business and effectively service all cultural groups. This certification addresses issues of diversity, fair housing, and cultural differences. The course teaches you to transact business in culturally competent ways.
The At Home With Diversity Course teaches REALTORS® how to:
- Assess and understand attributes of diversity in local markets and their impact on the real estate industry.
- Understand basic competencies to earn the confidence of potential buyers and sellers, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, disabilities, familial status, or national origin.
- Build a business plan that minimizes risk and successfully services all types of clients.
How to earn the At Home with Diversity certification:
- Be a member in good standing of the National Association of REALTORS®
- Complete NAR’s At Home With Diversity course.
- Upon course completion, receive email with link to submit the application fee. Pay one-time application fee in the amount of $40 (reduced fee until Dec. 31, 2024) to become certified.
Additional Details:
- No annual certification dues (except for maintained membership in NAR).
- International REALTORS® must maintain membership in NAR as an International REALTOR® Member by paying annual dues of $75.
CREDIT: (please read)
- This livestream webinar is certified for 6 hours of civil rights credit, elective for the ABR and SRS designation.
- The completion of this course meets NAR's 2-hour Fair Housing Requirement.
- Attendees must share their video during the program to receive CE, as active participation will be monitored.
- Per ODRE requirements, attendees must be present 90% of the program.
INSTRUCTED BY: Tiffany Lobertini, ABR, AHWD, C2EX Ambassador, ePro, GREEN, MRP, SRS, PPS
CONTACT/EMAIL: Deanna Wright, Professional Development Coordinator –