Virtual Classroom: Property Management
> CLICK HERE to register for the Property Management course
Licensed or unlicensed, anyone is welcome to attend!
This program provides an extensive review of the license law requirements for property managers, including required property management accounts, the property management agreement, what activities unlicensed staff can perform and advertising regulations. Federal and state fair housing requirements will be discussed with an emphasis on tenant screening policies and accommodation requests for Emotional Support Animals. This program will also provide information on local and state regulatory issues that managers should be aware of and a review of recent landlord/tenant and fair housing cases. This seminar is designed for the veteran property manager as well as those new to the business of managing rental properties.
INSTRUCTORS: Stephen McCoy, Esq./ V.P. of Legal & Regulatory Affairs for the Ohio REALTORS, Todd Book, Esq., Ohio REALTORS/ V.P. of Legal and Legislative Affairs
CREDIT: This course is certified for 3 hours of core law credit. Attendees must join the program with video and stay within view during the program in order to receive CE, as active participation will be monitored. Per ODRE requirements, you must be present 90% of the program in order to receive credit.
CONTACT/EMAIL: Deanna Wright, Professional Development Coordinator -