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Allison Wiley, AHWD, C2EX

Allison Wiley, AHWD, C2EX

VP, Marketing & Communications

Allison Wiley is responsible for executing marketing strategies, designing and evaluating campaigns, and ensuring that the Association’s overall marketing programs are effective. VP drives the development and execution of comprehensive marketing and communication strategies to promote the REALTOR brand, enhance our visibility, and drive business growth.  Oversees the Marketing and Communications team to ensure collaboration and teamwork. Handles all media relations including press releases, interview coordination, and news and events. Allison also serves as the host of The Real View podcast, Ohio REALTORS exclusive podcast.


– Communications Committee Staff Liaison 
– News Media & Releases
– Ohio REALTORS® Magazine Editorial 
– We'll Get You There Campaign
– Articles and Content Creation
– Ohio REALTORS  "The Real View" Podcast

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