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Coaching Corner: What do you really need?

Coaching Corner: What do you really need?

Jul 20, 2018

By "Coach" Marilou Butcher Roth

One of the ongoing questions that is consistently present with my coaching clients is: "What do you really need?" Some know exactly what they want from life, business, etc., and others find landing on this important answer to be illusive  at best. One of the most valuable tools I received from one of my mentors is to use what he called an “essence question." Today I am going to walk you easily through this simple and effective process.

Get yourself into a place where things are quiet, or at least relatively so. Then, ask yourself (out loud): “What do I most want?” Your eyes are open and you repeat this question five to six times without pausing. Once you have completed the repetition of the question, gently close your eyes and just NOTICE what is happening within your body. You may become aware of a body sensation or an emotion. The key here is to not judge what you observe -- just notice! Chances are you will not be receiving a loud message as an answer to your question -- that has never been my experience.

Here is the way this exercise has consistently worked for me. I would notice various happenings within myself and then I would go forward with my day. During the course of the day, tidbits would present themselves. It might be something I read, or something said by someone, some juicy nugget that would bring me to a place of “oh yeah -- that is something that I would love to experience (or have).” Although I do not use this tool all of the time, I find when I do that wisdom reliably shows up.

This is an easy and fun way to connect to what a more expansive version of yourself might look like. If this is something you want to try and are having issues, please reach out to me and I can easily talk you through it.

Enjoy, and begin to reap the benefits of uncovering your deepest desires!!



Marilou Butcher Roth

Marilou Butcher Roth

Marilou Butcher Roth is the owner of The MBR Group, a coaching and training company working primarily with REALTORS who have a desire to work and live from a more inspired place. She is also the Broker/Owner of Group REALTORS in Cincinnati.

Marilou is a member of the Ohio REALTORS Board of Directors and past chairman of the organization’s Communications Committee.

Contact Marilou at  to see if coaching is right for you.

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