Coaching Corner: Can you shift?
Nov 8, 2013
By Marilou Butcher Roth
- Complain about your issue, finishing each sentence with “...and I'm sexy.â€
- Grab a prop and exaggerate your current attitude, i.e. make it bigger!
- Make a puppet with your hand and have your puppet talk about your issues.
- Make a face you've never made before while talking about your issue.
- Make a sound that fully expresses how you are feeling right now -- no words!
- Have a 15 second temper tantrum, including your whole body -- make noise!
OK, I think that is enough for right now. You will find yourself shifting easily and playfully into a space that feel soooo much better! This beats the heck of staying stuck in a place that will not serve you well at all and can keep you from experiencing life the way you would like to!