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Coaching Corner: Are you telling the truth?

Coaching Corner: Are you telling the truth?

Mar 23, 2018

By “Coach” Marilou Butcher Roth

As I have mentioned in a previous Coaching Corner post, I am doing a book group with my agents. One of the topics this Thursday was about integrity and integrity breaches. In our current chapter, the author, Gay Hendricks, poses the question, “where in my life am I not telling the full truth?” Eek! That question certainly gets my attention! Let’s look a little closer at this inquiry. Of course, there are the situations where an outright lie is happening, and certainly we can all agree that in those situations, an integrity breach is in play.

The focus of today’s post, however, is not on lies — the focus is on how we do not acknowledge our amazing selves! Each of us is capable of so much and yet, very often we play small rather than living our lives to the fullest. We may have stories about not wanting to outshine others, or that nobody would be interested in what we have to offer. We may diminish our skills and ourselves in such a way that our light never shines as bright as it could.

Are you with me so far? The truth we are not fully telling is what possible stories, a.k.a. lies, we are telling ourselves about ourselves! When we are not telling the full truth to ourselves about who we are, we are in an integrity breach indeed! If we are not living to our fullest potential, we will not experience the quality of life that is available to us.

So this week, step into your own truth about yourself. You may feel a little shaky at first, that is OK. Perhaps you start with “I am really good at _________, and truly enjoy it”. And then, make sure that you are doing more of that!

It’s your time to shine!!!

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