Coaching Corner: Give me the remote!
By Marilou Butcher Roth
So, how do you handle situations that appear from seemingly nowhere and create discomfort for you? Can you identify that this situation is not within your control? Probably not immediately, that is not our nature -- we are fixers and doers, ready to jump in with our well intentioned action to save the day. But what if there was not an action that would work to remedy the situation, no right step to correct this wrong? Do you find yourself still pushing forward?
Stop and ask yourself, “is there something that can be done in this situation?†If so, determine your options and move forward. If not, although it may be uncomfortable, we need to just “be†with it -- roll with it baby! I often use two red file folders as props with clients. One says Things I Can Control and the other says Things I Cannot Control. It helps to have a visual in your head and imagine which of the two files this particular situation falls into. When you actually play with this, it is amazing how little is actually within our control! Ah, if it were only so easy and we could control our environment with the click of a remote! Actually, I believe there was a movie about this and as I recall, by the end he was more than happy to be done with his remote control.
At the end of the day, we only have control over ourselves and how we react to what is occurring and once we grasp that we can begin to experience more freedom in our lives -- we do not have to control everything! And as always...enjoy!