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Coaching Corner: Good morning…good night…great day!

Coaching Corner: Good morning–good night–great day!

Feb 14, 2018

By "Coach" Marilou Butcher Roth

Do you ever find yourself dragging your nearly comatose body out of bed, and then immediately getting on one of your devices, because of course you have SO much to do? How does that impact the remainder of your day? Perhaps you are forced to get it together by noon, or perhaps not. Here's the deal — how you prepare for sleep and how you begin your morning will dictate the condition you will experience throughout your oh so busy day!

Let's chat about night first. I hear on a regular basis how some of my clients work right up until the last moment that they fall into bed -- which typically is quite late as well. This plan is not working to your full advantage. Our bodies need down time to operate as fully as we need them to. So let's make a plan to prepare yourself for peaceful slumber. At least one hour before bedtime (which needs to be a reasonable hour), get off of your devices -- no computers or iPads and hopefully no phones. Unwind from your day with reading, meditating, having a lovely cup of tea or whatever brings you down from the busyness of your day. Many of my clients have an appreciation journal in which they recount all of the events, etc. from their day that they found to appreciate. If you are a television fan, choose your viewing carefully -- nothing heavy or scary. You may be screaming at me by now -- that's OK. And, you may find that an hour is way too much to start. That's fine to begin with 15 minutes and move towards longer periods of time. When you delightfully ease your relaxed body into your welcoming bed, make an intention that you sleep soundly and wake up energized. I know I have some of you out there voicing your disbelief right now. Come on, just try it! What do you have to lose?

Ah, good morning! You awaken from a sound nights sleep due to your individually crafted night time preparations. You gently open your eyes, rather than having to pry them open. You stretch your arms and legs, taking full deep breaths, bringing energy into your relaxed body. You move at a comfortable pace towards your morning, as you think of what food would most support your body. What do you want to do now to set your desired tone for the day? Ease yourself into this new time. Perhaps you sit for a few minutes breathing deeply or meditating. The key is to be easy with this new time of the day and not to jump on your computer or phone. You deserve to have some time to yourself before you give your time to others. And, the cool thing is that when you fill yourself first, you have even more for others!

Good nights = good mornings = great days!!!


Marilou Butcher Roth

Marilou Butcher Roth

Marilou Butcher Roth is the owner of The MBR Group, a coaching and training company working primarily with REALTORS who have a desire to work and live from a more inspired place. She is also the Broker/Owner of Group REALTORS in Cincinnati.

Marilou is a member of the Ohio REALTORS Board of Directors and past chairman of the organization’s Communications Committee.

Contact Marilou at  to see if coaching is right for you.

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