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Coaching Corner: Lessons from a Playboy

Coaching Corner: Lessons from a Playboy

Sep 29, 2017

By "Coach" Marilou Butcher Roth

Yesterday, Hugh Hefner passed away. Personally, I have always found him to be quite a curious character, building an empire which includes, of course, Playboy Magazine. One interesting tidbit I discovered is, the Library of Congress funds the braille version of the magazine! Now come one, you have to admit this was surprising trivia!!

Hefner was a man who lived his life on his terms, ensuring that his world worked for him. Pictures in later years show him lounging comfortably in his trademark silk pajamas. This actually occurred organically due to his late working hours -- but let's face it, the man was comfortable!!! He was not solely a proprietor of bunnies, however. He was well known as a philanthropist and a civil rights activist. I have not felt complete without this information!!

Here's the thing -- we can all learn each and every day from what, and who are around us, and Mr. Hefner is no exception. It may be easy to look from the outside at his “over the top” lifestyle, finding judgement as you do, and you are certainly entitled to your opinion. But, what strikes me, is how this man lived his life fully, regardless of how others felt. He found his passion (no pun intended) and created an empire around what he loved! And, how cool would it be to know you could stay in PJ's all day?

He stayed true to himself, and from what I read, even created structure for the in-house bunnies, with a curfew of 9 p.m., unless they were out with him. They each had an allowance of $1,000 per week and had the benefit of a full kitchen staff 24/7, providing them with culinary magic to appease any middle of the night craving.

So here are my Hef take aways:

  1. Live your life full out!
  2. Find your passion and live from that place.
  3. Share your wealth.
  4. Have fun in whatever you do.

and lastly...

  1. Wear silk pajamas -- they are very comfy!
Marilou Butcher Roth

Marilou Butcher Roth

Marilou Butcher Roth is the owner of The MBR Group, a coaching and training company working primarily with REALTORS who have a desire to work and live from a more inspired place. She is also the Broker/Owner of Group REALTORS in Cincinnati.

Marilou is a member of the Ohio REALTORS Board of Directors and past chairman of the organization’s Communications Committee.

Contact Marilou at  to see if coaching is right for you.

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