Coaching Corner: The downside of discipline
By "Coach" Marilou Butcher Roth
Discipline -- some have it, some don't. Some want it, some don't! For me, the central question becomes when is discipline a benefit and when is it a deterrent? There are some people that seem to have been born with the ability to hunker down and stay on track. Well, I was never one of the people born with a check list in their tiny little hands. Discipline can indeed be learned, allowing you to bring your "to do's" to fruition. But, is it always in your best interest?
What if, you are forcing yourself to do something that is contrary to what feels good? This industry is notorious for lovely ways of finding new business. Now don't get me wrong, I not only did my fair share of cold calling, I actually taught it. Looking back, I realize it was not a necessary activity to locate new buyers and sellers. Finding a way that feels good to you will bring about greater success and less stress!
Discipline is totally advantageous if you are developing a new habit that supports who you are and what you are trying to accomplish. What if you became disciplined to find thoughts and actions each and every day that felt good to you? I am not of the belief that life has to be so hard, and yet so many of us struggle in various areas of our lives.
Think about what you want...really want from your life. Then determine which consistent action steps will support that desire. It's up to you...if you are willing.