Coaching Corner: Freedom vs. routine
By "Coach" Marilou Butcher Roth
We recently celebrated our country's birthday, our collective freedom. We all love the idea of being and feeling free, don't we? So, how does freedom fit in with the idea of a routine? Routines equal structure and discipline, which appear to be contrary to our individual freedom!
Think about it though...first, we get to determine which routines we wish to incorporate into our everyday lives. This might be about exercise, finding new business, or perhaps a morning practice that sets the tone for our day ahead. WE get to CHOOSE!
Second, think about how establishing this particular routine will be beneficial in your life -- even going so far as how it might bring you more freedom! Let's use the three above hypothetical routines as examples:
EXERCISE -- you establish a consistent routine of exercise. This might be stretching morning and evening. It could be daily cardio or yoga. Again, you get to choose! You begin to notice an increase in your energy and more flexibility in your body. Can you imagine how much more free you feel as you move through your day?
FINDING NEW BUSINESS -- no way, you say! Think again! Remember the part about being able to choose? Well, let's put it into play. How do you want to find new business? What group of people would you most enjoy working with? How can you create as much fun and consistency with finding the people that most need and value the service you provide? Instead of this being a chore, this can become something you actually look forward to. When you alleviate the guilty feelings that you are not doing anything to generate new business, you will indeed feel a sense of freedom! And...your financial freedom can come into play as well!
MORNING PRACTICE -- this is an uncomfortable subject for some. And, again, YOU get to choose. There are countless ways to enjoy that time early in the morning. Even if you take five minutes to sit quietly and breathe. This time is for you -- it will set the tone for the rest of your day. If you get up and hit the floor running, I can pretty much guarantee the race of the day will continue. If you get up and take a few minutes (or more) for yourself, you will find your day to be more easeful. Having an easeful, more peaceful day to me is indeed freedom!
Happy choosing!