Coaching Corner: Feeling overwhelmed?
Jun 23, 2017
By "Coach" Marilou Butcher Roth
Several conversations with clients this week have been around the feeling of overwhelm with the amount of work they have before them. Such a double-edged sword, isn't it? We want the business and when it comes, it can create a whole new dilemma. Let's see if we can break this down in short and simple terms because chances are if you are feeling overwhelmed, you won't spend a lot of time reading blogs!
- Develop a mind set of ease, relaxation and simplicity. What are your overriding thoughts when you wake up in the morning? Is your first impulse to move quickly to get to the myriad of tasks that await you? If so, please DO NOT! Take a few moments and allow your body to adjust to the new day. Stretch, breath and set a clear intention of whatever quality feels best to you to permeate the day -- you can use any or all of the ones above (ease, relaxation or simplicity) or you may have one that feels better to you.
- Sit down and really determine what MUST be done today. Part of the overwhelming feeling comes from what I call “mental clutter.†This part is self-imposed. As you go over your day, make the shortest list you can muster of your absolutes of the day and write them down. Another way to play with this is to write everything down that is hanging over your head and then highlight the ones that need to happen today. Actually, that is what has been working for me.
- Throughout the day, take brief moments to stretch, breathe and recommit to your intention. If new tasks present themselves, make the determination of when they need to happen and then stay on task with your original list.
- DO NOT work up until the moment you go to bed. Allow yourself at least a few minutes to relax, stretch and breathe. This is not time to watch the news or some violent TV show. This is your time to unwind from the day. If you can find 30 minutes that would be ideal, but I will take what I can get. Think about setting another intention for a sound, restful sleep, waking up in the morning ready for all of the wonderful activities you have before you.
There you go! Hopefully this will help create some ease within your busy schedule!