Coaching Corner: Developing your mission statement
By Marilou Butcher Roth
So, without further hesitation, grab a pen and let's begin! Set aside 30-60 minutes when you can devote your full attention to these questions. Turn on some relaxing music, get comfortable and have fun with this!
- Why are you in this business?
- Who do you ideally want to work with?
- What services do you provide?
- What unique qualities do you bring to your business?
- What do you most want to achieve?
- What is truly important to you when you are working with clients?
- List some words that express the passion you feel about your career.
- How will you know that you are succeeding?
- If we were meeting five years from today and you were looking back over the past, wheat has to happen during those years for you to feel really good about yourself, your life and the fulfillment of your vision?
Once your questions are complete, take a separate piece of paper and start to pull together phrases that feel particularly meaningful to you. Experiment with different combinations until you feel a sense of excitement. The goal is to create a statement that reflects who you are in this business.
Hopefully, you will feel more enlightened and tuned into your inner motivation. Keep your answers handy and feel free to redo them if they no longer feel relevant to you.