Coaching Corner: Is pride getting in your way of happiness?
By "Coach" Marilou Butcher Roth
We are in the midst of holiday preparations for Sunday -- while some have celebrated Passover this week, and others will celebrate Easter on Sunday, ours is a combination. Originally, I referred to this combo holiday as “Easterover†and then one of my sons suggested “Peaster.†I am enjoying both, and have been having such fun looking for ways to blend these two special days. Our family will come together in its multitude to hunt eggs, participate in a Seder and enjoy foods which cover the gambit. It's a lot of people, chaos, laughter and fun!!!
Holidays, for me, always tend to focus me even more on family. I was thinking about my father-in-law, who passed away almost a year ago, and how he did not speak to his sister for years over some string trimmer issue. It doesn't really matter what the exact issue was, and honestly, I don't even remember the specifics. What I do recall is that their stand off went on for many years! What an incredible waste for these two lovely people to hold on to something so seemingly trivial.
Is there any place where you are holding onto something in your life similar to this? Something where you are quite certain you are in the right? Something that keeps you from fully engaging in some area of your life? If so, take the opportunity this holiday to do a bit of soul searching and ask yourself if keeping these feelings in play are beneficial for your well being. Is there something you might need to communicate to someone?
As the years seem to be flying by, I am acutely aware how short life actually is...and how precious! Make this holiday, and every day, the very best it can be -- we all deserve this!
Happy Passover, Easter, Easterover or Peaster!!