Coaching Corner: Vision, alignment and execution just for you!
By "Coach" Marilou Butcher Roth
One of the tools that I love working with is the DiSC Work of Leaders Assessment -- using it both with groups and individuals. This assessment breaks down into three categories: Vision, Alignment and Execution. The more I work with this, the more applicable it appears to be in many areas. Today, I want to address it in terms of how it works for you as an individual.
Let's use "generating new business consistently" as an example. The vision may be: I generate new business consistently and easily." Keep it simple and make sure it is a vision that you get a strong YES to.
Next, let's approach the idea of alignment in this example. The idea here is to get buy-in, and in this case, the buy-in is from yourself. It may look something like this: Generating new business consistently will in turn, bring consistency to my income. There are many avenues for me to pursue, and I choose the one that feels the most accessible to me. With consistent business development and consistent income I experience more ease and freedom. Hopefully you are getting the idea of this. This is a brief version - you can create as much of this as feels good to you!
Lastly, we have execution. At this point, we are stepping into the action piece of our vision. In our example, you will identify items such as: Choosing the area you want to consistently focus on, making a plan as to what that looks like, breaking down the tasks into the smallest steps possible and then plugging it into your weekly schedule.
This is an ongoing process that you want to revisit from time to time. Is your vision still lining up with you and your desires? Do you still feel aligned to the vision? Is your execution of your vision working? My suggestion is to create a journal for yourself around all of your visions -- you may surprise yourself with what comes up for you! Enjoy!!