Coaching Corner: Mix it up!
By "Coach" Marilou Butcher Roth
It is not earth shattering news to say that we are all susceptible to falling into ruts. It may be how you get yourself ready in the morning or the route you take to the office. This week, let's look at mixing it up a little -- our brains will thank us for it!
For example, try brushing your teeth with your non-dominant hand. This may require re-brushing but give it a whirl. I mentioned that we get may be driving the exact same streets to one of our regular destinations -- take a few different turns. If you are an everyday oatmeal eater -- make something different. Hmm, what sounds good to you?
If you read Coaching Corner on a regular basis, you will recognize my phrase of “being addicted to mediocrity.†Doing the exact same tasks may take you right down that road. Tune into YOU! Ask YOURSELF what you want throughout the day! Live your life from YOUR choices and not by default! It's up to YOU!!