Coaching Corner: Beauty and YOUR beast!
By "Coach" Marilou Butcher Roth
It appears I am on a movie kick lately -- must be the time of year when the colder weather lends itself to curling up on the couch and partaking of our share of films. This particular film came to mind yesterday as we were setting up a “girl day†to see the new "Beauty and the Beast" movie when it comes out in March. Hopefully you all know the story of this movie, so I won't go into that particular detail.
So, here's the thing -- each of us has both a beauty and a “beast†within us. The beauty is certainly easy enough to appreciate, and, I wonder how we might learn to appreciate our individual beasts. Before you stop reading, hear me out. How do you handle the parts of you that you deem to be “bad†or “unacceptable?†My guess is that you feel some shame and tend to judge that behavior, and typically harshly!
When you feel crabby, or lose your temper, as an example, chances are you feel bad about yourself which can present itself outwardly in a variety of ways. When you find yourself in the midst of self-judgement, it tends to impact everything you do in a less than favorable way. Think about a situation where you were feeling “less than,†and how that negative feeling permeated interactions with others.
What if you were able to simply notice your behavior without the internal judge and jury pounding the gavel at you with no mercy? That's right, just notice. “Hmm, I wonder what is up for me to react that way?†People -- be kind to yourselves!! Pay attention to when you find yourself in active self-judgement. Rather than going down the rabbit hole, get curious and be gentle with your “beast.â€
There is learning in all that we experience. What might you learn about yourself in those times that are uncomfortable? Being open to learning will allow you to make peace with your beast!