Coaching Corner: Gossip, complaining & worry...oh my!
By "Coach" Marilou Butcher Roth
Most of you will remember the line from The Wizard of Oz, “Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!†As Dorothy and her entourage made their way down the yellow brick road to Emerald City with the sincere hopes of seeing the Wizard, they identified potential issues that might stop them from their desired destination. Today, I want you to think of gossip, complaining and worry as potential issues that may and can stop you from your desired destination, or at the very least, make your yellow brick road journey very bumpy!
I am not telling you anything you don't already know! But, lets face it, there is somewhat of an addictive quality to gossiping, complaining and worrying. We tend to default to these activities when we are not fully aligned with our true selves. No, I am not going woo woo on you -- think about it -- when you are feeling great about yourself, the gossiping, complaining and worry do not seem to rear their heads, do they?
This week pay attention to any time you find yourself engaged in gossip -- or complaining -- or worry (or perhaps all three!), and gently notice how you feel when you are in this place. You can make a conscious decision to shift your focus onto something else. Sometimes you just need to distract yourself, or perhaps you might find something (anything) that you can appreciate. Maybe you decide to do something nice for someone, or yourself. This might even be a smile to the cashier at the grocery store who seems to be a bit grumpy. The key is paying attention to what is happening for you. We all want to feel good, and yet, it is interesting how we find an assortment of ways to keep this from happening!
Here's to a week of smooth yellow brick road travels and a great encounter with your wizard!