Coaching Corner: Holiday wishes!
By "Coach" Marilou Butcher Roth
Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, as well as the first day of Hanukkah. Regardless of your holiday of choice, take time this year from the rush of everything that needs to be done, and focus on the importance of what you are celebrating. Remember, it isn't about the “stuff,†or even the food (well maybe a little), and tune into the heart of the holiday. You will find that this will bring you more joy than you can imagine.
The two holidays that I am most familiar with are Christmas and Hanukkah as those are the two we celebrate. For us, it is about family, about giving, about creating the traditions that provide blissful memories as the years go by. I can look back to my childhood and remember the special “mixed drink†my grandmother would make for me each Christmas. It was a mixture of Sprite and Coke with a cherry -- I thought it was the best thing ever!!!
My grandchildren already talk about the traditions we have created -- our annual cookie baking night, the excitement of how we honor each holiday differently and what they look forward to. Nothing is more magical than the holidays with our children and grandchildren! We are so fortunate to have all of our family here in town and I realize that is not the case for everyone.
What type of traditions do you enjoy for the holidays? Perhaps there is something that you have always wanted to do but haven't taken the time to put into play -- make it happen! Find the joy of the holidays, starting deep within your heart. Ending your year in this way will create a bounty of joy as you begin the new year!
Slow down! Take time to enjoy each precious moment -- not just on our chosen holidays but throughout the year. Remember what is truly important! And...sometimes we discover that what is truly important are the people or things that we take for granted.
My wish for all of us is to experience more joy, more fun and more love this holiday season! May you have a magical holiday!