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Coaching Corner: I don't know!

Coaching Corner: I don't know!

Dec 16, 2016

By "Coach" Marilou Butcher Roth

During a recent visit with my sister, we decided to watch the original My Big Fat Greek Wedding, which is one of those movies that has some classic, memorable lines. One of those lines is when the father says I don't know as a response to his own questions regarding his daughter's new beau. His face and voice reflect the total confusion and frustration he is feeling.

We don't know everything! That may be a news flash for some of you -- none of us know everything! And yet, there are times when we believe that we should know something and feel frustrated when we do not.

Years ago, I remember sitting in a workshop and feeling that feeling of I don't know. The I don't know was around my own direction regarding my career. At that moment, I felt confused and scared, wanting to access the necessary information to appease my thinking brain. When the desired information failed to appear, I found I had to just give it up and stop judging the fact that I did not have the answers that I wanted. Once I did that, I was able to be open to the experience and enjoyed the rest of the day, with my desired clarity showing up shortly thereafter.

When you find yourself in an unknowing state of mind, try to step away from judging this experience as wrong or bad. Be open to what thoughts may show up without demanding that they do. Tune more into your question, rather than trying to figure something out. Let your natural curiosity lead the way to your best answers! Enjoy the process!

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