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Coaching Corner: Ahhhhh!

Coaching Corner: Ahhhhh!

Nov 4, 2016

By "Coach" Marilou Butcher Roth

Our long awaited time away has occurred, we are currently enjoying the calm of the ocean, as well as the delicious tastes that only come with this part of the country. This is going to be short today, and honestly, I almost skipped writing this one, but there is something that feels important to relay right now.

As REALTORS, we are busy -- lots of activity that tends to be time consuming. This feels normal and can become a way of life. When we arrived here, I found myself looking for things to do without realizing it. Although I love to read, I found that it was hard for me to focus -- maybe this sounds crazy to you...or maybe not. What I realized is that there is so much of my perception of myself that is tied up in what I do, and when I have the opportunity to just be, it felt challenging.

After a few days of quiet, I have finally relaxed and I feel wonderful! My point to all of this is that I plan on making sure that upon our return I find quiet time to enjoy just being, so that when we take our next trip, it doesn't take me four days to get to that place of ahhhhh!

Consider this an invitation to do the same!


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