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Coaching Corner: It's about time!

Coaching Corner: It's about time!

Sep 9, 2016

By "Coach" Marilou Butcher Roth

Ah, time! Such a commodity isn't it? Today I want you to think about how many times you find yourself muttering, I don't have time to find new business. My guess is fairly often! It does seem to fall to the bottom of the list of our to do's, as we respond to the demands of this current active real estate market. Most REALTORS believe (and rightly so) that consistency in finding new business is essential to success. And still, when we become busy with our business, taking the time to generate more just doesn't seem to happen!

It is wonderful to have a consistent plan that you can operate from to bring in new business. We can all agree to that. And, we can also agree that there will be times when we just don't get to that well-thought-out plan.What if you created a more natural consistency in finding new business? Let me explain. What would happen if you began your work day with the question “how can I find new business today?

I love the idea of tuning into what you have happening during the day and asking that question. Your day might be full and yet in asking that question, you may generate an answer that surprises you. It may be that one of your clients comes to mind that you want to call or perhaps an idea for a mailer that you want to send pops into your head.

This method may not be something that you use all of the time -- or maybe it is. Right now, I am proposing that you use it during those times when you are finding yourself busier than normal. Give it a try and see what happens!


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