Coaching Corner: Inspiration is an inside job!
By "Coach" Marilou Butcher Roth
What inspires you? You know...the type of inspiration that propels you into action. How do you find yourself in such a great feeling place that you dispel any old internal beliefs of inadequacy? Think of a time (or times) where you have felt this way. Why? What happened that generated this feeling?
There are countless great speakers, books, workshops, etc. that can get us totally jazzed. And, we love them! Until we forget about their poignant message that touched a deep part of us. And then, we tend to slowly go back into our old habits. We sometimes can rely too heavily on something from outside of ourselves as our motivation. The reality is that true inspiration comes from within us. That's not to say that the outside speakers, books or workshops are not helpful -- they can be amazing! However, if you do not take the message and keep the attention there, you will find it diminishing over time. Attention is a marvelous tool if used to your advantage.
So let's say, as an example, you come to Cleveland in September for the Ohio Association of REALTORS Annual Convention (hint, hint), and hear speakers that engage and excite you (which they will). You go back to your office at the end of the week, implementing new ideas, and you feel great -- inspired actually. This continues for a bit of time and then, something happens with a deal that is somewhat frustrating or discouraging (which it can). You shift all of your newfound excitement and attention to “fixing†the problem with the deal.
OK, this is normal. This problem comes in when you do not shift back to putting your attention on what had excited you. You may find that you are going back and forth between the “excitement†and the “fixing,†until over time, the “excitement†attention has become smaller and smaller and you find yourself spending the majority of your time and attention focused on what you don't like as opposed to what you do like. Does this feel at all familiar? It happens so easily.
So, this week, put your attention on what delights and inspires you. Find something to read, watch or listen to that ignites that flame for you. Or, go back to something you had previously been participating in that brought you joy and success. Regardless of whatever else is happening, you need to practice the art of self-inspiration. Your job is to seek out those experiences that bring you delight, which makes YOU the source of your inspiration. Once you get the hang of this one, watch out for the magic! Find your magic!