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Coaching Corner: Should you?

Coaching Corner: Should you?

Jul 22, 2016

By "Coach" Marilou Butcher Roth

Discussing should is one of my favorite topics. It is very impactful in our lives, and everyone should at some point! If you follow my Coaching Corner posts, this concept will not be unfamiliar to you, and today we are going to take it a step further. How often do you find yourself shoulding on yourself or someone else? I should, he should, she should, they should...or shouldn't! Yep, its everywhere! Years ago, I was attending a workshop in Scotland and one of the other participants had a tape (dating myself now) with a song entitled Don't Should On Me And I Won't Should On You! I think that pretty much says it all.

Today I want to present three statements for you to use whenever you hit a should. This might be a work should, a relationship should or even a societal should. Look at all of the opportunities for a should happening in the political environment right now. However, just focus your attention on yourself for this exercise. Let's say, as an example, you have a should around finding new business -- this could be the direction or the amount of time, calls, etc. You tell yourself I should do something. That's your clue to pull out the following fill-in-the-blank statements:

  1. I should____________________________________________________________________.
  1. I should do this because _________________________________________________________.
  1. What I really want in this situation is_________________________________________________.

I have shortened the lines for simplicity sake but you can certainly expand as much as you need to. The intention is to determine if your should matches your want." When we operate from only a should basis, we sometimes miss the mark of what would make us happy, and sadly, asking ourselves what we want may not come into play very often.

This week, pay attention to your own shoulds and take just a few minutes to unwind and get to your truest desire!

I think you should!! :)


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