Coaching Corner: Let freedom ring!
By "Coach" Marilou Butcher Roth
The Fourth of July is amazingly right around the corner. When you think of this holiday, what comes to mind? Fireworks, burgers and beer, family gatherings? The Fourth certainly provides ample opportunities for eating, drinking and having fun! And, I love to think also of the basis of this holiday -- freedom!
Freedom can mean many things to many people. There are some geographic locations whose citizens do not experience or have any idea of what living in freedom means. We have much to be thankful for, although sometimes it can be challenging to remember that.
Freedom also is a quality of life that some people strive for, including myself. I love the idea of having freedom of choice -- deciding how I want to be of service in this world, how I want to nourish and move my body, how and who I want to be in relationship with, among the many choices that we have on a daily basis.
And, having said that, there are times when we may not feel we have a choice. I have to __________," is a very standard phrase in our society. Think about those words, and the next time you find yourself saying them, either out loud or in your head, check in to see if these words are true. Chances are, they may not be. You may have yourself convinced that you have no choice in a certain situation. The option I propose to you today is about making a clear determination of choice. Let me give you one example:
Both of my parents are deceased now, but no so terribly long ago, I was responsible for all appointments, etc. for them as well as my aunt. I remember so clearly how much time it took from my already busy schedule and thinking this was just something I had to do. As time went on, my anxiety grew as did the number of appointments, until finally, I had to have a serious chat with myself. What I realized is that I was doing of fantastic job of being the alleged good daughter and it was taking its toll. So, I called a meeting with my siblings, asked for help and we created an entirely new way of handling the multitude of appointments. I continued personally to take my dad who had some health issues that I wanted to be there for. Did you catch that -- WANTED to be there! When I came to terms with my attempt at being the best daughter I could be, I realized I had neatly put myself into a position of no choice! When I could step back from it and CHOOSE, I could clearly see which part of this process I felt drawn to participate in.
So, on this Fourth of July, I wish you all the fun this holiday brings. And, I invite you to look your choices (or lack of) right in the eye and see how you can make clearer decisions. You get to choose! Enjoy your freedom!!