Barbara Lach receives the REALTOR organization's highest honor
Barbara Lach is surrounded by her Columbus REALTOR family after receiving the NAR Distinguished Service Award. Joining Barbara (from left) Brent Swander, Bob Miller, Stan Collins, John Royer, Mic Gordon, Sara Walsh, Ted Oatts and Kathy Shiflet.
Congratulations to OAR Past President Barbara Lach, of Columbus, for receiving the industry's highest honor at the NAR Legislative Meetings in Washington, DC, May 9-14.
Lach became only the 90th REALTOR to receive the NAR Distinguished Service Award during the organization's Board of Directors meeting. NAR established the DSA in 1979 to honor REALTORS who have made outstanding contributions to the real estate industry and who serve as leaders in their local communities. The award is considered the highest honor an NAR member can receive; recipients must be active at the local, state and national association levels, but must not have served as NAR president.
Previous Ohio recipients of NAR's prestigious Distinguished Service Award include: Vince Aveni (1989), Steve Casper (2005), Paul Everson (1982), Owen Hall (1993), and Chet Sudbrack (1987).