Coaching Corner: April Fools?
By "Coach" Marilou Butcher Roth
Nope, I am not going to play an April Fools joke on you! However, this day does bring up some interesting thoughts. April Fools day is full of harmless (hopefully) pranks, tricks and little white lies designed to entertain. All in good fun!
What I keep thinking about is the opposite of April Fools activities. What I mean by that is our typical everyday interactions the rest of the year -- are we being clean and clear in our communication or do we hold back what is true? Now, don't get me wrong, I am not questioning your intentions, but think about how you might not tell the entire truth in some instances. Or perhaps you embellish a certain story to reframe a situation, or yourself, in a more favorable light.
Most of the time, people are not outright being deceitful -- they may omit the truth to protect someone. Or if you are one of the countless folks out there that abhor confrontation, you may just choose to suck it up and not say anything. The problem with sucking it up is that the issue is not resolved and has the potential to turn into something much worse.
So, beginning today on this day of April Fools, kick off a new way of communicating so that you are not leaving anything unresolved and everyone is on the same page -- clean and clear! Living from this place ensures that you will not be the Fool!!!