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Coaching Corner: What is really important to you?

Coaching Corner: What is really important to you?

Mar 18, 2016

By "Coach" Marilou Butcher Roth

There are times that we are forced into making decisions due to circumstances that present themselves -- like it or not! For over a week I found myself in a situation that was not pleasant or fun, nursing myself through the flu. Appointments and meetings were cancelled and my top priority was to get myself healthy. As I have slowly been coming back to my healthy self, I have needed to look closely at every activity that normally I would take for granted, determining if I would have enough energy to accomplish what was before me.

Now, before you begin to feel too sorry for me, there has been an incredible upside to this experience. As I determined which activities would merit my diminished state of energy, I realized I was also looking closely at how I wanted to spend my time. This is something I work frequently with clients on -- choosing activities, both business and personal that are truly yes's for you. I have found that there were, in fact, activities that I was participating in that did not support my best life and I have made choices accordingly.

So, this week, revisit the idea of following your yes and “honoring your no. Bring a heightened sense of self awareness to each day, paying attention to all of your activities. See which of these, if any, would make your life flow better if eliminated, moved or changed. Notice when you catch yourself saying I need to, I should or I have to. Is that really true? You may be surprised at what you discover!


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