Coaching Corner: Taking care of business!
By "Coach" Marilou Butcher Roth
Taking care of the business of YOU -- that is where we are headed today. How and how much you take care of yourself has become a theme of late, and there is no doubt in my mind that this concept deserves more attention than we give it. I am certain that my analogy of viewing yourself as a savings account has shown up before in my writing, and, it bears repeating!
We each have a physical body that has been bestowed upon us, and hopefully we will nurture our bodies through good nutrition, exercise and emotional health. We have choices in each of these areas as to how we will treat our bodies and that choice occurs on a day to day basis. would you rate the care you give your body?
This is so important! The better you care for your physical and emotional health, the more you will have to provide to others in your life -- your clients, your family, your friends. Remember the savings account analogy, and if you are not making deposits, there will be nothing left to give!
Today, take some time and examine this idea. How are you supporting yourself physically, mentally and spiritually? The last one of these might throw you. What I mean by spiritual care is not referring to organized religion. How you choose to worship is yours alone -- what I mean is feeding your inner self. Perhaps you meditate or journal. Or, if those ideas do not feel like a fit for you, consider having your morning cup of coffee or tea quietly before your day begins. Find ways to “go inside†before activity begins.
This week, look closely at your choices and commitments around yourself. You are the foundation for your life -- do not underestimate the importance of taking care of the business that is YOU!