Coaching Corner: Y U?
By "Coach" Marilou Butcher Roth
Yes, that is what I meant to ask -- WHY YOU?
As you may be aware, The Ohio Association of REALTORS is launching a Leadership Academy beginning this April, which has been developed for members that wish to enhance their leadership skills in all areas of their lives. The five leadership modules will give you tools and awareness that will greatly assist you in any leadership role that you may undertake. This may be within your local, state or national association, or it may be within your community.
Perhaps you feel that association leadership is not your chosen direction quite yet -- that's OK. I want you to consider how important leadership skills are within your real estate business, which directly impacts our industry in a favorable way. And, as a bonus, you will quickly find that everything you learn will flow over into your personal life as well, bringing new insights and confidence into all that you do. So now, let's go back to my original question of “why you?â€
The speakers for each module are nationally recognized presenters and have been carefully chosen to bring the greatest value possible to each session. Within each module, you will find the content to be both rich and enjoyable:
Module 1 -- Leading Myself -- is focused on learning more about you and what qualities you bring to any leadership role. We all have qualities that benefit us and this first session will look more deeply into identifying which qualities come more easily to you and which ones require a bit more focus.
Module 2 -- Leading Others -- expands what we have learned about ourselves and takes it to the next level of how we lead others. This particular module is part of NAR Leadership Series and has been well received by countless REALTORS.
Module 3 -- Leading in an Organization -- will present the puzzle pieces that we need to know and put them together in a way that will bring us more in tune with how organizations are run and our role within the operation.
Module 4 -- Leading the Industry -- takes us deeper into the details of leadership, focusing on authentic and effective communication, productivity and working from a more impactful place.
Graduation -- Putting It All Together -- circles us back to the beginning, connecting all of the dots of the past four modules and celebrating our success!
So, now I ask...why not you?