Coaching Corner: The joy of discovery
By "Coach" Marilou Butcher Roth
We just returned from the National Association of REALTORS Convention in San Diego after enjoying almost a week of meetings, classes and FUN! During the time we were there, we toured the USS Midway, went to the Maritime Museum, explored Little Italy, Coronado, La Jolla and Balboa Park. Each of these trips were full of varying kinds of adventures.
The Midway and the Maritime Museums quickly appealed to my geeky historian persona, leading me to google more information to satiate my need to know more. Our trip to La Jolla took us to the beach where a group of tourists had gathered overlooking the wall where the seals and sea lions were sunning. One of the sea lions had fishing line around his neck and Sea World Rescue showed up to see if they could free him. The Rescue team explained a great deal about the process and it appeared that help was not going to be in the cards for this particular sea lion.
Okay, so you may be asking if I have pictures of my trip next to show you!!! I do, but I won't! Here's the thing...what I realized is that every trip we go on we find a similar type of adventure -- we seek these out. But what about right here in Cincinnati? Are there things to do here that perhaps would fill that same need of adventure? Yes! Do we do them? Not really!
So my intention is to find something each month that I haven't seen -- perhaps a new exhibit at the Contemporary Arts Center or one of our many Museums or a show at the Aronoff Center or Playhouse in the Park. There is much to do in our beautiful and bountiful city and I invite you all to uncover adventures in your own cities. Please feel free to respond with any you come up with! Enjoy!