Coaching Corner: Take a look in the mirror
By "Coach" Marilou Butcher Roth
Go ahead -- before you read any further, take a look at yourself in a mirror. If you don't have a mirror handy, use the benefits of modern technology and use your phone camera turned towards yourself. Done? OK -- what did you see? Did you laugh at how ridiculous you felt? Or perhaps you noticed yet another line around your eyes and immediately went into judgement. Or, just maybe, you appreciated the tiny gold flecks sparkling in your hazel eyes.
I can pretty much guarantee that most of you found something about yourself that you could find issue with. That's if you even were willing to take a look at all!!
The topic I want to look at today is around our feelings about ourselves. This is one of those topics that we typically gloss over -- but not today! There are countless books written about the importance of loving, or at least really liking yourself. How you perceive yourself plays directly into how you engage with others, both personally and within your business. If you have a negative feeling about who you are, it is hard to operate authentically in this world. You will find yourself adapting, editing or even eliminating in your interactions, not bringing yourself fully into your life. And quite frankly, this is a shame -- an unnecessary shame!
So, what do you do to improve how you feel about YOU? You can start by paying attention to what you are feeling and thinking. Notice the thoughts that come into play. The key here is to NOT go into judgement, just notice if you are criticizing yourself internally. Here's the thing, we are so much harder on ourselves than we are on others. Perhaps you said something you wish you hadn't said. You may go on an internal self deprecating rampage -- which of course only makes you feel worse! Imagine if someone you cared deeply for made a mistake -- it is doubtful that you would demean them in the same way!
Starting today, find things to appreciate about yourself, even if they are small. Make it a point to look for items each day and consciously appreciate YOU for each and every one of them. This is a practice that will generate a better self feeling quickly and will build upon itself. You will start to find easier, cleaner and clearer interactions both in business and personally and it doesn't get better than that! Enjoy!