Judy Von Duyke honored with OAR Distinguished Service Award
REALTOR Judy Von Duyke, of the Medina County Board of REALTORS, was honored as a recipient of the Ohio Association of REALTORS' 2015 "Distinguished Service Award" during the organization's 105th Annual Convention, Sept. 20-22, in Columbus.
Von Duyke is associated with Howard Hanna, Brunswick.
OAR created the "Distinguished Service Award" to recognize long-standing members of the Association who have demonstrated an uncommon commitment to the goals and purposes of the REALTOR association at all levels.
Those eligible for the award must have been active members of the Association for 25 years and cannot have served as OAR president.
Von Duyke has been actively involved in a variety of committees for the local REALTOR organization, including serving as President of the Medina County Board in 1999 and as a member of Affiliate, Building, Education, Equal Opportunity, Finance, Legislative, Long Range Planning, Member Service, Professional Standards, RPAC, Technology, Ways & Means, and Board of Directors, among others. She was instrumental in establishing the Board's annual Horse Show, serving as chair for 17 years.
She was the recipient of the Board's Excellence in Community Service Award in 2005. Von Duyke served as the 2003 President of the Women's Council of REALTORS (WCR) Medina Chapter.
At OAR, Von Duyke has served as a Director (1998-2000 and 2008-2009), and as an alternate Director (2003-2006 and 2010-2013).
Von Duyke is an active member of the Women's Council of REALTORS and served as state chapter President in 2006, Governor in 2008 and as a national executive.
Civically, Von Duyke serves on the advisory board for the Salvation Army, where she volunteered her time and talent for 13 years as the Kettle Coordinator for the Brunswick area. In that time, donations grew from $8,000 to more than $36,000 annually. Each year she solicits items and money to fill more than 100 stockings for children in the area through the Salvation Army.
The Ohio Association of REALTORS, with more than 28,000 members, is the largest professional trade association in Ohio.