Coaching Corner: How big is big?
By "Coach" Marilou Butcher Roth
Success is another one of those words that is highly individual. Each of us have a different idea of what our own success looks like. What are your factors for success? You can look at this question both from your professional life as well as your personal life. Each of us has the ability to make an impact in this world. Yes...each of us! Before you get all jumpy, let me clarify that statement.
Impact comes in various ways. It might be how you interact with others throughout your day, from the checkout line in the grocery store, to speaking with your clients. You can generate huge impact just from those conversations by being present and aware. Or, you can take impact further, to a specific endeavor you are involved in. OAR does a tremendous job of honoring members who are contributing heavily within their communities, i.e. making impact! Impact might be generated by how you develop your business.
Ask yourself now how you are not being fully who you are. Where are you holding yourself back from being as “big†as possible? What do you think stops you? Sometimes, we have the old belief that we don't want to outshine others, perhaps colleagues or family members. Or, we might be dragging around old feelings that we really don't deserve success for whatever reason. The interesting piece of these beliefs is that typically, they are not in the forefront of our awareness, and we can go our entire lives without really tapping into them. Often people find themselves “addicted to mediocrity†by just living their lives going through the motions.
This week, look for ways to stretch yourself personally and professionally. Get curious about what you really want and how your life might be lived more fully! What does big look like within your business? What does it look like in your personal life?
This should be fun for you to look at, if you are finding it to be otherwise, go back to earlier questions in the third paragraph. Enjoy your bigness!!