Coaching Corner: Handling disappointment within us
By "Coach" Marilou Butcher Roth
There will probably always be times when something happens that creates a feeling of disappointment within us. When I think about the feeling of disappointment, it is a milder version of sadness. There are countless reasons that we experience disappointment, the question is how do we handle it?
For an appropriate example, let's use a listing appointment. You meet with the prospective sellers and feel your connection with them was exceptional. You walk away with an air of I got this billowing around you. And then, the unimaginable happens -- they list with someone else! Not only did they list with someone else, they did not even let you know! Urggh!!!! Let's look at handling this from a couple of different ways.
First, from an emotional standpoint. Of course you feel disappointed! And perhaps your disappointment gets buried under your immediate reaction of anger. Anger is a feeling that often times covers up deeper emotions such as sadness or fear. Your job when you experience some anger, is to check to see if there is another feeling underneath the anger. It is so important that we stay aware of what we are feeling.
From a practical standpoint, I want to look much before the event occurs. In the example of a listing consultation, you need to take time to completely prepare. Your preparation task list needs to give you the end result of feeling completely and authentically confident. You feel great about yourself as well as the materials and information you present. From this position, regardless of how a prospective seller behaves, you will remain solid in your integrity, knowing that you have done your best job possible.
So, hopefully you can see from this how disappointment does not need to ruin your day if you take steps to support yourself.