Coaching Corner: I tripped over what????
By "Coach" Marilou Butcher Roth
Over the course of time, there are items that we may become numb to. Perhaps it is a light bulb that needs to be changed in your guest room that rarely gets used. Or a button that needs to be sewn on a shirt that is in a lovely pile in the laundry room.
Why are these minor items important? They will suck energy from you, that's why! It may not seem like a big deal but every time you walk into that guest room and try to turn on a light with a dead bulb, you will react in some way. It may be self judgement (I should have done that already), or it may be blame (my husband/wife said they were going to take care of that). Every time that happens with each item, imagine an energetic “ding.†Each “ding†is space where vibrance could be. Hopefully that makes sense to you. Emotionally we are not complete while we have all of these small tolerances hanging out there.
So, what are you tolerating in your life? This week I invite you to make a list for yourself including your home, your car, your office and even any habits of your own that you have been tolerating. Open your eyes to where you have been going unconscious. Be brutal, be diligent, be honest with yourself about your own tolerations. Do not worry about others and please do not pull your close people and their habits into this mix! This is about YOU!
Begin your list and realize that it will be a long one. Commit to zapping three to five of these each week. Enjoy the physical results as well as the emotional results. Fun stuff!!