Welcome to the Daily Buzz
By Carl Horst
Somehow...some way... you found the Ohio Association of REALTORS new communications venture -- the OAR Daily Buzz.
Perhaps you followed a link on our website or maybe a Google search landed you here. Whether it was intentional or not doesn't really matter to us. We're thrilled you're here, as this blog was developed with you in mind!
This blog is intended to transform how your Association communicates with you. It's the centerpiece of our new communications programming and will serve as a gathering spot for news, views and issues concerning the industry.
In a nutshell, the Daily Buzz will attempt to spotlight key issues of the day -- whether its a legal decision, action by our elected leaders, economic news or even professional trends that affect the real estate practitioner.
We hope you find the Daily Buzz to your liking and perhaps even discover a nugget of information that will help you in your day-to-day real estate practice.
You might even want to take "staying in the know" a step further by following us on Twitter -- @OhioRealtors. Followers will receive an alert when we post something new on the Buzz, receive reminders of pending deadlines for business meetings, sales contests and more.
The Daily Buzz is just one piece of our new communications approach. We've redone our website to make it easier to access the information you're seeking, whether it's a legal white paper or a legislative update. We've completely redesigned our Ohio REALTOR publication, transforming it from a newspaper to a magazine format that will be mailed to every member twice a year. The premier issue of the new Ohio REALTOR will be landing in your mailbox by the end of February.
We are hopeful that you find our new approach beneficial and urge you to become part of the discussion by making comments and offering your insights.
Once again...welcome!