Coaching Corner: Are you for...or against?
By "Coach" Marilou Butcher Roth
We are presented situations in life that may not be exactly what we hoped for. Yes, I am sure that is shocking for you to hear! :) However, how we handle these situations is crucial to our emotional existence. Let's take an example of something that occurs within our association. A decision is made that you do not agree with. What will you do? How will you respond?
Consider thinking about what you do want rather than complaining about how the decision is wrong. When you are dealing with decisions that impact many people, it is a given that every decision will not be met with approval. So, put your attention on what you are FOR, rather than what you are AGAINST! Yes, I realize this may be challenging.
Let's look at another example -- perhaps you have an encounter with another agent over how your mutual transaction is being handled. You have no question in your mind that the other agent is at fault. Now, you can enlist the support from other agents or even your manager about how awful the other agent behaved...or, you can focus on your client and how you can create an experience that is beneficial for them.
Are you a complainer? A whiner? Or, do you take each situation and think about what you are FOR in that situation? I know this can be difficult at times and I also know that with practice, you will find your level of expertise with this will improve and will create a richer experience for you!