Coaching Corner: Are you thriving or surviving?
By "Coach" Marilou Butcher Roth
Hmm, that's a question that may require a minute to answer! So many people are functioning more in the survival category without realizing it. For years I have coined the phrase being addicted to mediocrity. What that means to me is to do what you need to do each day without looking for more meaningful activities (or lack of activities). Imagine a sensation of putting one foot in front of the other; checking items off of your to-do list.
Although I too have my lists, man cannot live by lists alone!!! Do you feel that you are living a fulfilled life? Do you feel complete in all areas of your life? Do you feel vibrant and alive? Are your relationships where you would like them to be? Is your environment supporting you (or draining you)?
This week I would invite you to take these questions to heart and answer them honestly. If you answer yes to a question, write down how you are doing this -- get specific so that you are truly having a real discussion with yourself. If your answer is no to any question, ask yourself what could happen to create a yes. Now, you may find that you only have questions without the answer. That is perfectly OK -- asking the questions is the best first step!
As an example, let's say you answered no to feeling vibrant and alive and you have no clear direction of how you might begin to experience vibrance in your life. The next question for you is am I willing to experience vibrance? Willingness is magical. You don't need to know how or when, just let yourself feel into the idea of being willing!
If you have been reading my weekly Buzz posts, you may want to invest in a journal of some kind to have for these types of exercises. It is helpful to have everything in one place.
Now...get to these questions -- your quality of your life depends on it!!!