Coaching Corner: Imagine...believe...create
By "Coach" Marilou Butcher Roth
For years I have been aware that my attitudes and beliefs affect the outcome in my life. Today as I was sitting at my desk, I noticed a group of stones at the far end that are always there but seldom noticed. The stones have words on them and the three that were somehow grouped together were "Imagine, Believe and Create."
Wow! That is so telling of how things do work. First, imagine. What do you want? In your personal life or your business life. That step is the easier one, isn't it? We can imagine what we desire but how often do we then somehow talk ourselves out of it? Perhaps with thoughts like “that happens for others but not for me.†Or, “that would be really nice…but ______.†There are countless ways we undermine our deepest desires.
How can you believe in attaining what you want? Each time you catch yourself dismissing the idea of achieving, how can you bring yourself back to the belief that you can have, be or do what you have imagined. The more you can do this, the easier it will be to get there!
So, this week, focus on these three words and constantly bring yourself back to a place of belief, putting your attention on how good your desire feels. This takes practice, just like any other activity that you want to excel in. Practice imagining and believing and watch for your creation!