Coaching Corner: Do your clients listen to you?
By "Coach" Marilou Butcher Roth
Yesterday I was having conversation with an agent about a client (buyer) who just wasn't getting the message that this was no longer a market where a seller would take any offer. According to the agent, her buyer “thinks he knows everything about real estate.â€
Yep, those types of clients are out there. And, my question to you is -- what happens for you when you encounter one of them? Do you find yourself wanting to push back and spew even more information on them, showing them that you are truly the expert? Or, perhaps you find your confidence diminishing because of the conversation.
Here's the thing -- there are always going to be some clients that do not behave in a manner that we want them to. The key here is about YOU -- how do you react? Each of these encounters can be so rich for us if we allow them to be. Consider these challenging clients as teachers, here to give you more information about yourself. And, the more we can learn about ourselves, the easier future encounters will be.
You are the real estate expert. What do you need in place to truly believe that for yourself? You might prepare some statistics for your buyer indicating the market trends from last year compared to this year. Give this some thought -- be prepared for every situation. You just need to take a few minutes to decide what and how you need to prepare.
And, as a disclaimer, being prepared will not ensure that clients will listen to you. What it will do, however, is to put you in a position of strength with yourself. It doesn't get any better than that!!!